Six Missions in San Antonio

Our only full day in San Antonio was spent on the World Heritage Trail visiting the five Franciscan Spanish Missions that were built to evangelize the Native Americans in the Mexican Texas territory in the 1700s. They were simple, beautiful, and inspiring. Most are still in use as Catholic parishes and offer weekly masses.

Here they are in the order we visited…

Mission San Jose

Mission Concepcion

Mission San Antonio de Valero (The Alamo) – Site of the famous 1836 battle with Mexican General Santa Anna that killed nearly 200 defenders including Colonel James Bowie and frontiersman Davy Crockett.

Enjoying a Mexican lunch at Rio Rio on the famous San Antonio Riverwalk
Mission Espada

Mission San Juan

We were struck by the faith of the Spanish priests to brave the untamed Texan wilderness and befriend the Indians in order to introduce them to Jesus.

Me then returned to the location where 46 years ago he took the following oath on a mission to protect our country: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

Me was hoping to get a pass to visit the base, but the Air Force gate guards are required to deny casual visits due to COVID-19. Me was able to see the recruits marching out on the training grounds and it brought back good memories of Basic Training.


  1. Scott Eynon

    I love this post! Kent, thank you for your service!!

    1. Lori

      Sorry it took so long to respond to your blog! Love all the pics and experiences you are sharing with us!
      God is good! Enjoy your journeys together!

  2. Dennis

    Missing you at all the church events dude. We had work day at the new pompano church building. Also finally emptying the storage units at Tamerac church into that new building. Take care, travel safe.

  3. George Mitchell

    The river walk food looks yummy!

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